Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 2010

A full four years have passed since I came to blog on here. Wow! I guess I do get bored of things way to easily. So yeah... just came to do a quick update.

I've done a few things that I had set my mind to, but still not close to my career goals.
I finally know what I want to do in life and it took a few steps back, prioritizing my goals and staying focused to realize what needs to be done.

My main concern is my daughter, her most imporant part of her 'growing years' I made sure to teach her- manners, respect, follow the rules, generousity and be a caring and loving person.

Now that she is growing into a fine young lady, I am blessed to have such an understanding daughter that knows how hard her mother has to work to have a happy, wonderful home life.
I know I am not perfect and we do have our ups and downs, but no matter how things turn out, we still have each other, we keep each other strong and I never take her love for granted.
She is my princess and I know she will continue to make me proud :)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Gosh, yes, it's been awhile :)

Hope everything turns out!