Monday, August 22, 2011


We all experience loss at least once in our lifetime,
It could be loss of a loved one, loss of trust, health, job, friendship/relationship, faith , and hope.

No matter what kind of loss we have experienced,
there are feelings that go along with it.
It may take days to recover or even years...
They say time heals all wounds, but...
there is no real time frame in dealing with loss.

What we do with the time is what gets us somewhere in our healing.
We can chose to sulk and throw ourselves a pity party
or take what has made is weak, unhappy, vulnerable, and sad
and allow it to transform us into something beautiful.
It is then that we can overcome whatever is difficult
and begin our healing journey.

Healing allows us to forgive, move on and be happy.
Sounds so simple, yet it is a task in itself.
Loss is inevitable but the suffering is OPTIONAL!
So what will you do to help yourself be the person
you were meant to be?

I am currently on my healing journey...
It has not been easy,
I have freinds that share similar 'disappointments' & losses,
knowing I'm not alone in my healing journey is
what makes my faith stronger knowing that I will prevail
No matter what loss we may have experienced...
We can overcome it with a positive attitude and faith that you can do it.

Each day I remind myself,
I am fighting a winning battle
I love my self and deserve to be happy.
I can only find happiness in myself,
in order to find it I must love the person I am
and the person I am becoming.

We can overcome obstacles, just have faith, love yourself
and allow yourself to GROW.
If you need it
Read- there are alot of books out there on healing, loss, recovery.
Love yourself, you deserve a fighting chance.

"Live Well, Laugh Often, Live Much"


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